pest control delta

9 Most Common Pests in Your Garden

Insects are always present in our garden. Many times, we think that all of them can harm our plants, but that is not true. Learn about the most common pest insects in the garden, their characteristics, and what you can control pest control in Delta.

  • Aphids

Aphids are small insects measuring between 0.9-3mm. There are over 4000 species, but 250 out of those are harmful pests. They are usually green, white, red, or black in color. Some species have wings while others are wingless. Its mouthpart is suction that means that it feeds on the sap of the plant. We can find many vegetables such as lettuce, tomato, eggplant, cauliflower, spinach, chili, kale, and more. Aphids transmit diseases, so it is essential to monitor our plants. We can find them on the underside of the leaves and growth points.

To control them, we can apply water with biodegradable soap on the underside of the plants. Do it very early in the morning or the afternoon when the sun no longer hits the plants. Some natural enemies of aphids are a ladybug, lacewing, parasitic fly, and parasitic wasps.

  • Larvae or Caterpillars

In our garden, we can find different types of larvae, various sizes, and colors. However, what is a nymph? Larvae are the juvenile stage of certain insects that have metamorphosis. The larvae that affect our plants come from butterflies or night moths.

The larvae’ size can be 1-7cm, and their color can be green, white, and gray, brown. The larvae are chewing insects that roam on leaves’ underside, the growth point, or in the ground. They attack most of the plants in our garden, especially broccoli, cauliflower, kale, and other botanical family plants.

To control them, we can use water with biodegradable soap and garlic and chili extract. Apply very early in the morning or the afternoon when the plants no longer receive the sun’s rays. In addition, removing them by hand is a quick method. Some natural enemies of the larvae are the lacewing. However, it is best to call a professional company offering pest control in Vancouver.

  • Whitefly

The whitefly is a small powdery white insect. This fly feeds on the sap of the plant, reducing its productivity. A side effect of the whitefly is the transmission of diseases. We find it on the underside of the leaves of many plants such as; tomatoes, aubergines, pumpkin, cucumber, flowers such as Poinsettia and Jamaica. Some natural enemies are a ladybug, lacewing, predatory beetles, and wasps. We can also apply soapy water or yellow traps.

  • Leaf miners

The leaf miner is a small larva that we can find on the leaves of our plants. They make small galleries or paths between the leaves, taking up space for the plant to carry out its photosynthesis. The most effective control is to locate the larvae on the leaf and squash it with our fingers, making sure not to hurt the plant.

  • Grasshopper

Grasshoppers are a common pest that can cause a lot of damage since they eat the leaves and, in some cases, the entire plant. These insects can eat any plant. Grasshoppers can be up to 8cm long. To control grasshoppers, we can count on spiders.

  • Red Spider

The spider mite is tiny that feeds on the sap of plants. It is always in a group. These insects form a white spider web on the leaves and stems, thus protecting themselves from predators. They can attack strawberries, squash, tomatoes, corn, chili peppers, melons, potatoes, and trees. For its control, an extract of garlic and chili can be useful. If the plant is badly affected, it is better to remove it to prevent it from spreading to other plants. 

  • Thrips

Thrips are small insects that measure between 1-3mm. It is yellowish-brown or brown. They feed on the sap of the plant, can cause leaf spots, and transmit diseases. These insects are attracted to the color blue. You can put a blue container with water and a little soap or sticky traps. Thrips have several natural predators, such as some varieties of mites and the Orius bug.

The following pests are not insects, but they affect our plants.

  • Mealybugs

 Mealybugs are small black or gray. They feed on the leaves and stems of plants. Pervasive behavior in mealybugs is that they curl up to protect themselves, forming a small ball. If our soil is well nourished, it will not be a problem for our garden. 

  • Snails and Slugs 

Snail Snails and slugs live in humid areas and reservoirs of water. They feed on all kinds of plants and can destroy the entire garden. We can identify damage by the mucus trails they leave behind. We can prevent the arrival of snails by keeping our plants in high places and using aromatic herbs. Remember that they look for cold and humid areas. For its control, we can use coffee beans, beer traps, or eggshells. 

You can find many pests in your garden, but controlling them is not that difficult. Remember to check your garden frequently, once or twice a week. Look well under the leaves, and there you can find many pests and other insects. Call Integral pest control in New Westminster.

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