Goodnautre A24 6-Month Replenishment Pack


The Goodnature A24 6-Month Replenishment Pack includes everything you’ll need to keep your rodent control program going.

To keep your A24 trap ready for action, you’ll need to replace your automatic lure pump and CO2 canister every six months. CO2 may need to be replaced sooner depending on rodent infestation level.

Goodnature has developed the chocolate lure to attract mice and rats to the trap. Because the A24 lure is toxin-free, they’re safe for you, your pets, and wildlife.


The Goodnature A24 6-Month Replenishment Pack

The A24 is powered by a CO2 gas canister automatically resetting itself after each strike. One canister can kill 24 rats and mice before needing replacement. The traps use a toxin-free lure and are certified humane.

Keeping the lure inside your trap fresh is important in catching rodents – this kit includes an automatic lure pump containing toxin-free chocolate bait which last for 6-months, so no need to rebait traps every few days. Kit also contains two Goodnature CO2 canisters.

All you need to get started is in this one-box. Need help with your Goodnature A24 6-Month Replenishment Kit: Contact Automatic Trap @ 1-877-992-8868 /

Weight1 kg
Dimensions13 × 13 × 13 cm


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