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When dealing with pests it is important to think in the long-term. Whether your business is located along the coast or in the prairies, a personalized pest control program is recommended for long-term prevention and quick remediation. No matter what type of business you operate there are some key pest control plans that you need to have in place to pest proof your business.
One of the most important plans you can have in your pest control program is a pest exclusion plan. If you don’t already have one already set-up, that’s okay, with these tips you’ll have yours up and running in no-time. A few of the other documents your pest control program could include are; a bed bug treatment plan, a rodent control plan, a cockroach control plan, a sanitation control plan, and a facility map locating your pest control devices.

About Us
Pest Control for the 21st Century.
Integral Pest Services is a new kind of pest control, we are redefining how the pest control industry should be.
Our Approach
We have a dedicated team of licensed professionals ready to take on any commercial pest problem.
We believe in taking a proactive approach to pest control by getting to the root cause of the problem and treating it from there, utilizing the latest technology and industry-leading pest control procedures.
We guarantee our services and know that by working directly with you, we will solve any pest problems you may have and keep them from coming back. We are your strategic pest control partner.
However, the best approach to pest proof your business is to have a comprehensive exclusion plan as part of your pest control program. Implementing these simple steps, along with working alongside a qualified pest control company, your pest control program will go along way in attaining that pest-free environment for your employees, your visitors, and yourself.
Understanding pest behaviour is extremely important when you begin to pest proof your commercial space for pest prevention. The unfortunate news is that pests of all sizes are trying to gain access to your space daily. These naturally curious creatures are perfect for exploiting all the entry points that facility managers can easily overlook. Taking the time to regularly review your commercial space along the interior and exterior will help to pest proof your facility and keep it pest free.
5 Ways To Pest Proof Your Business
- Seal all cracks and crevices that allow pest to enter. Pay attention to areas around the doors and windows
- Ensure landscaping is well-manicured and all plants & shrubs are distanced at least 2 feet from the building
- Drain all standing water along the exterior of the building and surrounding area.
- Fix any leaking pipes and faucets found inside and outside
- Empty interior garbage containers nightly and disposed of in pest proof garbage bins
- How is the roofline? Seal all openings you see and trim back all tree branches
Despite all your efforts, you may still find a pest problem on your hands. When that happens, partner with Integral Pest Services for industry-leading pest control plans that will keep your business free from pests.
At Integral Pest Services, we are passionate about keeping your business pest free. We provide extermination services for rodents, bed bugs, cockroaches and year-round preventative pest control services utilizing the latest technology and proven treatment methods we are taking a proactive approach to keeping you pest free. Stay connected with us on Linkedin for the latest pest advice..
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Need Expert Help?
We understand bed bugs and we work hard to understand your unique situation. We take the time to assess each job and develop a customized pest control plan to rapidly knockdown bed bugs while working with you to prevent them from coming back. Request a free no-obligation consultation!
For Immediate Service Please Call 604-839-7378